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Into it will inevitably be the flame burn,ghd hair straighteners, do not go in and not attack the Balrog the fat feel really as tasteless in the throat, a dilemma. At this time, hiding in the corner dance tianjiao magic ready completed a three-Zhang Yu-long dragon claws to the Balrog cross rushing with fire attribute monster Balrog fire attribute magic Road surgery resistance reaches above 90%, the dance the Tianjiao remember Fire Dragon surgery only 32 points of damage to the Balrog cause. The but this knockdown caused the attention of the Balrog, whirl round in a circle in the hands of the fire whip whistling pound the dance tianjiao.

Balrog a twisting the body,ghd hair straightener, body chains jumped straight 'crashed' ringing the left side of the body inevitably a small gap. The fat man shines how can I miss this opportunity to take aim, a the loopholes big step forward, right foot axis of a rotating body, Zhanma Dao homeopathic cut in the Balrog small calf. The sparks were flying, the fat tiger's mouth numb shock almost can not hold the shank. -1 Points of damage, but also did not break open the defense, but this would have expected fat.

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