Tuesday, June 4, 2013

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Go order was given, special even deeper into the jungle again walked more, according to prisoners provided, the bridge should be in defensive positions about five kilometers south-west of the place, as Peng once again contacted the temporary headquarters, informed the whereabouts with troops after a forced march away to the target raid, more than forty minutes later, Peng them into the river to reach the shore, tall unnamed bridge has appeared in the jungle commando vision range. Comrades, Evgeni Malkin jersey task today we have been very clear, according to the intelligence, hillside Gonchar jersey 8 o'clock in front of the bridge there is an entire battalion of defenders, and Gonchar jersey only a row of troops, it will be come into the world Gonchar jersey The first battle, win, Gonchar jersey you can count on from the hope of returning home, defeated, and nearly two thousand Gonchar jersey perhaps the whole group to be buried in this foreign country, comrades have the confidence to win this battle.

Headphones came all the players deep and powerful answer, after a brief war mobilization, all the officers and men from the immediate action, 20 snipers in all directions at the top of the favorable terrain occupied vision hidden up observation posts are also located in the hilltop, ready to meet the enemy at any time to the first wave of assault troops to provide information. The battle for the Fleury jersey special even is still an advantage, first of all is to intentionally hit Gonchar jersey unintentionally, in a clear target Gonchar jersey already accounted for opportunities in weaponry also wins a chip on Gonchar jersey Gonchar jersey small-caliber automatic rifle more destructive, longer range, players who are well trained and experienced veterans, although no actual experience on the battlefield, but every time the exercise is carried out according to actual situation, you figure with hands-on experience can be considered, although the number of Germans reached a three to one, but after all, impossible to put a battalion of troops to resist all attacks Gonchar jersey bar, just 20 highway bridge width, depth is not enough, as long as the playing surface Gonchar jersey dot, the odds still great, not to mention do not want to wipe out the enemy Gonchar jersey Gonchar jersey goal is just across the bridge of the German headquarters, observed through a telescope into Peng also found that the bridge did not conduct garrison state of alert, not many heavy weapons, is estimated at sandbag bunkers and fortifications have three to five MG42, think also, control of the air already in the hands of the Germans, the British, the French army and was surrounded by a large split in Dunkirk, hastily set up a few pieces of second-rate troops I am afraid not dare to attack in broad daylight, but they never imagined that such a branch is a 50-year Special Forces advanced them to the eye, to say the reasons are funny, just for a few maps and some useful intelligence.Ten minutes later, attacking forces arrived at the designated location, close to the German sandbag fortifications only fifty meters! Such a distance, once the war started half, attacking forces in a minute occupied north bridge, as Peng in the telescope for a group of those audacious thorn pinched to sweat, think, once exposed,http://www.morningcallcoffeesstand.com/PittsburghPenguins-us.php, MG42 even fight back Gonchar jersey not give the opportunity to the Peak snipers can not guarantee full control over the entire bridge fortifications, we can not then powerful bullets penetrated concrete fortification bar.

Twenty minutes later, a platoon arrived at the designated location, just 25 meters from the enemy command post, though closer, but relatively safer, Gonchar jersey command post has been unknowingly kill room after sentinel, watchtower also South bridgeheads snipers in a row has been under the control of, the arrows in the string, just waiting to Peng gave the order you can immediately act. Peng again through the telescope into a moment the enemy position, the North Bridge Road hillside there is a concrete fortification, fortifications from the fortifications of the shooter perforation see at least 210 degrees of sight, but on the side of the river is a sandbag counter Simple barricaded fortifications, consisting of a five-person team heavy machine guns, there are two sides of the bridge 10 meters high lookout tower, each with a sentry and a light machine gun, at least 280 degrees can cover a range of 800 meters, extending from the bridge There are about 100 meters of the highway fence and guard post, a sentinel, sentry deck a group, the South side of the bridge is also expected to floor two, five kinds of houses, is estimated to have become a barracks, including a plug-in with the German flag, you can German command post is certainly the entire battlefield is to study again Peng again, bold, but cautious always Gonchar jersey characteristics.

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