Saturday, June 8, 2013

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Yang Jie, Fleury jersey to do! Stood in shock Yang Jie Li pointed suddenly found beside longer, even straight to the arm was broken, covered by shrapnel inserted like a hedgehog German soldiers ran. Van Datong firepower recovered strafed a German gun firing points, temporarily suppress each other's firepower density. Kris LETANG jersey To Kris LETANG jersey stop! The sudden appearance of the situation has made it one of the three-member panel of the momentum of stagnation, just by the fierce firepower and assault causing rapid transient advantage soon as the storm of the German counterattack lost, in such a hail of bullets Yang Jie actually miraculously unscathed went to the front of German soldiers was seriously injured, and perhaps also because of her angelic face, perhaps because of the dark not see the reason, or also because of her weak shoulder and arm on the distinctive Red Cross, no one knows why this was the case of the child, in short, when Yang Jie wounded German soldiers arrived in front of her and even an oil skin abrasions are not, can not master this is a great miracle in the history of war.

Yang Jie Xiang blow off the back of a rapid first aid kits, while the rapid observation of an edge that is in the lives of the young soldiers, one full of blood, could not see like the appearance of the face, eyes being gradually slack, see get out, death is a step by step to Gonchar jersey approached, dismember right arm is rapidly like a fountain out of a lot of blood, have to thank the ice storm that accurate marksmanship, only interrupted Kris LETANG jersey arm, its Kris LETANG jersey local only a small trauma, it looks horrible.

In one thousand meters outside the bullet sent to a person with a head shot at 10 meters the actual results achieved is little difference, however, at close range, can be seen in the Kris LETANG jersey Kris LETANG jersey enemy's eyes, can listen in Kris LETANG jersey to the enemy from the heavy breathing of the enemy killed, or killed by the enemy feeling is completely different, though shocked at the brutal fighting, Yang Jie or involuntary himself as a doctor's duty to bring this is not Kris LETANG jersey Death is Kris LETANG jersey alive on the battlefield, so that was her timidity and fear forgotten, and even forgot his comrades, desperate and ran to the wounded.

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