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It appears this institute where people are very confident oakleys This monitoring system has been fully convinced that the system is impeccable. Sometimes human beings is like this, there will be relative easy to give up something inconvenient, like a person to buy a car and then will gradually give up the walk, regardless of distance, driving a car wants to go. It is also because of this human inertia, which makes the blue group had an opportunity to be able to successfully sneak into the back door and a good layout of equipment and jammers.

This time Mu autumn house directly into the ward, as previously sensed route went over the results has come to the bedroom. That trio is disappearing in this room, the bedroom about thirty meters, evidently once the master of the house is also a person who has no small financial resources, otherwise how could such a property under repairing it. Bedroom layout is very simple, in addition to some of the necessary furniture tyler oakley hardly find their things, and in addition it did not come in the door annie oakley entrance.

' Mu autumn underground passage in mind, but the hand is not the slightest stay, check crept inside the room all the furniture and decor, hoping to find something other organs like the secret compartment. But the fee for a long effort, but did not find the slightest, did not see anything unusual in the entire room. People ' which seems non-professional and professional differences bars, Blue group who dedicated intelligence probe is certainly a talent, and if so annie oakley do annie oakley really do not know how to get into it. ' Mu autumn harvest are not looking for a long time, and finally a little discouraged.


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