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Lenz is preparing two hands mounted socket, Chen has been sounded out the sound of two eggs, two flute, two flute ! Leading to the village, the village toms sale go right, Mother, so come early, do not know is not anxious to be reborn, I did not do a good job of it iced watermelon. Second hand flick Lenz heard, in the hands of the socket off the ground, the sound of your mother scolded his mouth, but also refused to pretend outlet, go to meet the leadership of the village bear. Hands on casual clothes rubbed Chen Lao roots, running for the door. Two flute, two flute, which fans how to do ?

First stood to say ! Lenz 's voice heard in the distance two. Two shocked rushed to the village, where villagers have been surrounded by a gang, two flute struggling unplug the crowd into the inside and found the village to the two cars, five people, including three two -leng know, or have played greeting, which also turned out that Luo Xuming. The other two, two flute 'd never seen one forty-five -year-old middle-aged man clutching what being gracious hand of the old village in chatting. toms shoes sale Two chatted enthusiastically, but middle-aged man standing behind the four village leaders also did not see the two as if shocked, shocked only two obediently stay aside.

Then, turning two flute shouted, two flute, Come seen segments deputy mayor ! Set the Chen village called Tse clouds do not say ? Middle-aged man turned and glanced puzzled then came two flute. cheap toms Is the deputy mayor of his hometown segment segment Fuxiang, several of the home segment leader is not surnamed Chen surname segment. Section hometown, and surnamed Chen surname segments are the most common surname, and some villages do not have a whole different family names staff. And what Heishan not any conduct exchange of cadres, so most of the leading cadres home segment segment surname or surname Chen is not surprising.


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