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Hu Yufei,louis vuitton bags, Qi Yan-Na followed Helin Hua Er, really gained a lot of knowledge. This way, Helin Hua Jian Qi hands constantly encounter single Monster, Monster group of small stocks are fast strangulation with Jian Qi, if encountered a large number of over a million Monster, Helin Hua is Feichan simply to reach a burning day break. All in all, this is the first time in combat Helin Hua burn days among operators using such magic. I resorted to burning days after the break, that scene really introduce the characters on Rufen said the same day, there was a huge cube 1000X1000X1000 barrier immediately, then numerous road flame as a meteor fell from the sky, a group of bombardment on that monster.

One child it would not had time to breath into the gray. Helin Hua see a strong symbol of this burn days,louis vuitton wallet, my heart has been thinking about opening up - do not secretly want to go after their own den destroy the monster with burning day break ? Day breaks on this burning power, if used properly, a break down, how can kill the monster 10,005, right ? This Monster 10005, is the merit karma 1500 points. And draw a burning day break takes only 100 points can be extracted and 100 can be extracted merit karma.

As day breaks out of the burning to sell ? The kind of silly thing, Helin Hua was to draw up too! Even if others get burned day break kill monsters, cheap louis vuitton handbags will be the way to get some merit, but that he can get all the shots merit, why should we sell to others? Helin Hua trio rush all the way, and she said just as cheap louis vuitton handbags like less than an hour of work, put all the monsters are killed clean. Moreover, Helin Hua trio stayed her hand full of soul ring closing those Monster soul, Helin Hua also not one to miss !


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