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Seeing a little bit of time in the past, Deng Taiwan - Jones had the ball quickly jiāo frontcourt of Josh - Mike Roberts hands, but unfortunately at this time Josh - Mike Roberts just near the free throw line, the attack can be imagined, blindly impact to the basket, but Greg -mén cheap nike air max Lo naturally will Cheap Oakleys Sunglasses not give the opportunity to stand up right elbow tightly nike air max Josh - Mike Roberts ribs, with their rich experience, to feel Josh - Mike Roberts body changes, and the direction of shaking, and again defused Josh - Mike Roberts fake.

In the real key moments, Josh - Mike Roberts 's mental capacity is not so strong. Danny - Granger use Josh - Mike Roberts ground cover, rapid wear of chā nike air max 90 from the side into the inside. Josh - Mike Roberts hearts delight, and gently lifted the ball to Romania's Greg -mén behind, walked into Danny 's paint - Gelanjieqia down the benefits of receiving the ball, facing Samuel - Durham bō special defensive basket, an open air defense turned off, pick the basket succeeded.

Greeting the crowd suspected huò eyes, the referee signaled Samuel - Durham bō special defensive three seconds. For playoff penalty, the referee trio of fine scale grasp very strict penalty at any one time, will not leave a visible leak dòng. Through on-site video, indeed Danny - Granger rushed into the basket when nike air max 1 feet have stepped jimmy choo into the paint, and we have to Danny - Granger shot, nike air max 1, have not taken step. Score calculation, plus a penalty of a ball, the results of 2 +1, so the Pistons ball mí feel very frustrated.

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